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A seasonal time

The atmosphere, cold yet cozy

During the dark winter days

A time of miracles, of hope

Hope is not a static thing, it is a living thing that must be nurtured and tended to within us, kept alive within each of our hearts and among us as a collective. Whether we despair in the face of systemic oppression, war and terror, climate chaos, or trauma of any personal or collective nature, hope is something which can be stoked within us through stories, connection, belief, and commitment to embodying and enacting that which we hope for. Amidst times of darkness, Chanukah brings the light of miracles, connection, and hope which inspires action.

The above is taken from Rabbi Bluth's powerful and beautiful companion to the festival - Light: A Chanukah Guide.

To download a free copy of the document, please enter your email below.

For more information about this project and others like it, please see Rabbi Bluth's website or her Instagram page.

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