Do I need any previous knowledge or experience to participate in these courses?
No. One of the driving values behind AJS is making life-changing wisdom and practices more accessible to everyone.
All of our courses give you access to beautiful printable source sheets, with Hebrew and Aramaic teachings translated line by line into clear English, and practice instructions written in down-to-earth language.
When do the online classes happen?
Please see the Live Courses page for the times of our current courses, and the Recorded Courses page for dozens of courses available in recorded form.
All of our live classes are recorded, and anyone who cannot make a class online can, of course, watch or listen to the recording of it at any time they choose.
Is it possible to try a class for free?
Yes, please be in touch to arrange this.
Is there a refund policy?
Yes. We have a 100% money-back guarantee, no questions asked.
If a course is not right for you, you'll get all your money back right away.
What is unique about the AJS approach?
What drives us is exploring the millennia of Jewish text and thought and constantly asking: How can these ideas and practices help us to improve ourselves, and the entire world?
To this end, we combine deep text study with enlivening spiritual practice that transforms our inner lives, our relationships with others and everything we do in the world.
Does it matter if I'm not Jewish or not conventionally religious?
Not at all. In fact, these courses are designed for everyone who wants to grow, regardless of background.
We are delighted that our students include Orthodox rabbis, Reform rabbis, a truly diverse range of Jews from every imaginable background and degree of practice, and many seekers who are not Jewish but are simply looking to increase their understanding of and connection to Jewish wisdom.
AJS courses do not shy away from difficult questions, for example concerning the tensions between universalism and particularism in our tradition.
Instead, we dive into them with as much integrity as we can, and we benefit greatly from the diversity of perspectives our participants offer.