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The central ritual of Pesach is the retelling of the Exodus story at the Seder Night. 


The Seder is not intended to be a merely intellectual exercise, but a deeply felt  experience, as the Haggadah and the Talmud teach:

In every generation, one must see themselves as if they have gone out of Egypt, as it says, “You shall tell your child on that day: ‘It is because of what the Eternal did for me in my going out from Egypt’” (Exodus 13:8).

Please click on the links below for printable handouts which you can explore in preparation for Pesach, or share at the Seder, to deepen the experience of liberation for yourself and others:

In both our Kabbalah Through the Calendar course, and our Revolutionary Chasidic Ideas & Practices  course, we learn about and experience practices similar to these.

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