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This is the second installment in a course that empowers us to engage experientially with foundational contemplative practices from the Jewish tradition, from text to practice.


The introductory course focused on introducing Jewish Meditation and giving an overview of various techniques, and this course will take the participants through an exploration of more advanced Jewish meditation practices.

The meditations studied and practiced in this course focus on a dimension that runs across various traditions of Jewish Spirituality, from medieval Jewish thinkers to Kabbalists and Chassidim: the body, and more specifically how the body is considered as a vessel (a keli) not only for a life of holiness (kedusha) but also for spiritual experiences. 


The aim of learning various Jewish Meditation practices involving the body is threefold: first, to invite us to expand our understanding of what Jewish spirituality and meditation is; second, to relate to our bodies not as separate but as an integral part of our spiritual lives; and third, to be able to integrate these practices into our daily lives.


In the process of this course, we will approach some Kabbalistic meditation techniques. Learning Kabbalistic meditation traditionally requires a prior grounding in life, in study and in practice. Students are invited to approach this learning with the care and the kavod (respect) it deserves, and with the sincere commitment to use these techniques to purify their hearts and work on their midot (character traits), so as to contribute to the Tikkun Olam, the repairing of the world.

Each class will move from text study (all texts provided in Hebrew and English) to guided meditation practice, with a time for questions and sharing at the end. This course will involve embodied practices such as singing, eating, dancing, or body postures. Get ready for some experimentation!

Students will be invited, if they wish, to match with a spiritual chavruta (partner) with whom they will share their practice throughout the course, and there will be a forum for group processing and ongoing support.

This course is especially relevant for students who have already completed the first course of Experiencing Jewish Meditation, which provides a preliminary understanding of  the concepts and practices of Jewish Meditation, or who have attained equivalent experience elsewhere. The materials and recordings for this course are still available, and registration entitles you to a one on one session with the course instructor.

How does it work?

The course consists of 8 recorded classes, of 75 minutes each, organized in 4 thematic sections, which participants can watch at their own convenience. 


Sessions consist of close study of texts and by guided practice. 


Each session includes:


1) A recorded class, in which Dr. Mira Neshama leads a 75 minutes study and meditation session. Sessions include a close reading of Jewish texts in their original, clearly translated and explained, together with relevant background information and discussion. 


2) A printable handout of relevant texts from Biblical, Rabbinic, Kabbalistic and Chassidic sources, provided in full translation with introductory comments and guiding questions.

3) A guided practice, informed by the study session and offered with clear instructions by Mira, provided in both audio and video format.

Registrants gain lifetime access to all the course materials.

The Eight Sessions

Part I - Spiritual Nourishment


  • Breathing the Divine Name

  • Spiritual eating

Part II - Meditative Postures

  • Placing our head between the knees

  • Hand postures

Part III  - Holy Visualization

  • Yichudim (unifications)

  • Kidush Hashem (sanctification of the Name)

Part IV  - Contemplative Singing and Movement

  • Nigunim: the song of the soul (niggunim means melodies)

  • Devotional dance




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