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Kavanah: The Inner Path of Prayer is the first of two back-to-back courses Rabbi Ami is offering on Tefillah.


Shemoneh Esrei: A Contemplative Journey Through Prayer is the second of these courses, and it consists of 10 sessions which will begin shortly after the first course ends.


This option is to register for both courses, comprising sixteen sessions in total, for the reduced rate of $260.


Shemoneh Esrei: A Contemplative Journey Through Prayer  is an in-depth exploration of the central, daily prayer - the Shemoneh Esrei or Amidah - that will uncover layers of meaning in the structure and words of this prayer, and present it as a powerful, contemplative practice.

The two courses - Kavanah: The Inner Path of Prayer and Shemoneh Esrei: A Contemplative Journey Through Prayer - are standalone and can be taken independently. This option is to sign up for both courses at a reduced rate.


Both courses combines text study (all texts provided in Hebrew and English), guided practice and a forum for group processing and ongoing support. The content is appropriate for advanced students and novices alike, although a basic familiarity with Jewish prayer will be valuable.

How does it work?

The combined two courses altogether consist of sixteen sessions, of approximately 1.25 hours. Sessions will be offered live on Sundays over Zoom, and will also be recorded and shared (in video and audio) so participants can watch or listen at their own leisure. 


Sessions will consist of close study of texts and will be accompanied by guided practice. Throughout the duration of the course, Rabbi Ami will also moderate a discussion group in which participants can share experiences, ask questions, and receive ongoing support in a community of learners and practitioners. 


Each session includes:


1) A recorded 1.25 hour study session with Rav Ami. Sessions include a close reading of Jewish texts in their original, clearly translated and explained, together with relevant background information.


2) A printable handout of relevant texts from Biblical, Rabbinic, Kaballistic and Chassidic sources, provided in full translation with introductory comments and guiding questions.

3) A guided practice, informed by the study session and offered with clear instruction by Rabbi Ami, provided in both audio and video format.

Registrants gain lifetime access to all of the course materials.

Here is an overview of what the 16 sessions of both courses will consist of:


Course 1 - Kavanah: The Inner Path of Prayer


1) Evolutionary Prayer

2) Kavanah: Cultivating Intention

3) The Art of “Being With”: Prayer as Spiritual Intimacy

4) Three Steps: Stepping Out of Exile

5) Baruch: Bending Into Life

6) Bowing and Standing: Embodying Presence


Course 2 - Shemoneh Esrei: A Contemplative Journey Through Prayer


1) Avot and Gevurot: From Beginning to End

2) Kabbalistic Prayer: Re-Creation

3) Kedusha: Making Space for the Divine

4) Da’at, Teshuva and Selicha: Back to the Garden

5) Geulah and Refuah: Healing and Redemption

6) Rain and Ingathering: Homecoming

7) Restoring Justice: Envisioning a Divine World

8) Hoda’ah: Living Gratitude

9) Sim Shalom: Seeking the Face of Peace

10) Bringing it All Home: Prayer and Transformation


​Please contact Rabbi Daniel if you have any questions about the course, or to try a class for free.




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