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This course with Dr. Mira Neshama Niculescu seeks to engage the students experientially with the practical wisdom displayed in Maimonides’ Shmonei Prakim (Eight Chapters), from text to practice.


The Shmonei Prakim were written as an introduction to the Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers), the medieval Sephardic sage teaches methodically how to understand our midot, our character traits, and how to work towards a middle path, so that we can achieve balance and serenity in our everyday lives.


The aim of this course is to invite students, over the course of eight weeks, to explore the eight chapters and begin to experience the transformative process taught by Maimonides.


By weaving text study and practice, each session will invite the participants to experience the teachings directly so that they can integrate them within their daily lives today, both on an intellectual, emotional, ethical and spiritual level.


Each class include learning, discussion, meditation practice and sharing.


To support their journey through this course, Students will be invited to match with a spiritual chavruta with whom they will share their practice throughout.


The course will comprise eight classes corresponding to the eight chapters of the text.


The course combines text study (all texts provided in Hebrew and English) and guided practice. The content is appropriate for advanced students and novices alike.

How does it work?

The course consists of eight recorded classes, of 1 hour each, which participants can watch at their own convenience. 


Sessions consist of close study of texts and are  accompanied by guided practice. 


Registrants gain lifetime access to all the course materials, including the recordings of every class.


Each session includes:


1) A recorded class, in which Dr. Mira Neshama leads a 1 hour study session. Sessions include a close reading of Jewish texts in their original, clearly translated and explained, together with relevant background information and discussion. 


2) A printable handout of excerpts from the chapter studied, provided in full translation with introductory comments and guiding questions.

3) A guided practice, informed by the study session and offered with clear instructions by Mira, provided in both audio and video format.


The Eight Sessions :


Session 1. What are we made of?


In the first chapter, Maimonides analyses the human nefesh (being) and, beyond its unity, its various parts: instinct, reason, imagination, and so on. He explores the role each dimension plays in our everyday life.


Session 2. Morality, what does that mean?


Following his systematic analytic method of exploration, the Rambam then proceeds to examine which part of our being is concerned by the moral principles commonly called vice and virtues, and what do these mean concretely.


Session 3. Beyond “good and evil”


As a Doctor, Maimonides offers a reading of morality beyond good and evil: what we call “good” or “bad” behavior, to him, are symptoms of a healthy or unhealthy system, and inner habits. Evil, to him, is rather a “disease of the soul”. That means it can be treated.


Session 4. The Middle Path


Maimonides here gives the key to healing our middot, our character traits: by cultivating a middle path. He offers concrete examples of how to work towards this.


Session 5. The way of the Sage


Maimonides now teaches his way, which can be summarized through two key concepts: rationality, and a healthy self-discipline. Although this view reflects his own philosophical influences, it also anticipates what will become a Chasidic principle: devekut: clinging towards the Source of Life in everything we do.


Session 6. Who is wise?


Between two humans who acts righteously, who is the wisest? The one who isn’t even tempted to sin, or the one who would like to, but refrains themselves? 


Session 7. What gets in the way?


Expounding on the previous chapter, Maimonides reflects on what being virtuous truly means, and what can get in the way. He introduces what is often seen as the ultimate goal in Jewish Spiritual practice: the concept of nevuah, prophecy: becoming a vessel for divine wisdom.


Session 8. Are we free?


Maimonides concludes his chapter with a deep reflection on the human condition, by exploring the possibility of freedom to be who we want to be in this life.





"Having recently completed an online course with Mira about 'Maimonide's Middle Way', I can honestly say that I felt her deep subject knowledge, together with her experience as a meditation teacher wove together seamlessly to make the content relevant and accessible."

- Stephen Low, participant in the Maimonide’s Middle Way course.


"Working with Mira is truly a deep breath. Mira has helped me strengthen and deepen my connection and commitment to myself, my practice, and my spirituality."

- Naomi Davis, participant in retreats and student of private spiritual counseling


"Mira skillfully weaves deep scholarship and understanding of Torah and the Jewish mystical tradition with a personal depth of experience in meditation practice and theory."

-Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Appell, Director of Camp Ramah in Canada and former Director of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality’s Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training 

MAIMONIDES' MIDDLE WAY ///////// 8 sessions


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