Psalm 19 begins with awe and wonder at beauty of the heavens, and progresses to praise of the Torah.
The great biblical commentator R' David Kimchi understands the first few verses of the psalm as describing the "music of the spheres," which the ancient Greeks revered, and which Maimonides wrote about in his Guide for the Perplexed.
The psalm ends with a powerful plea which has been incorporated into our daily liturgy:
May the words of my mouth
And the meditations of my heart
Be acceptable before You,
O Eternal One,
My rock and my redeemer.
By closing in this way, the psalm invites us to consider the relationship between our inner life and the way we express ourselves through speech.
How might we explore this connection, and cultivate greater alignment between the two?
One practice which can support us in this work is Hitbodedut, or speaking to the Divine in our own words.
Rabbi Daniel's rap version of the psalm follows the original closely, occasionally deviating with some poetic license, usually based on the interpretations of our sages and mystics. Below you can download the lyrics in parallel to many related sources.
The original psalm can be found here.
To hear the 3-song EP, Rapping the Psalms, please click here or here.
These resources are freely offered. We very much appreciate any financial contribution you can make, which goes toward the cost of producing them.