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Free Trial of Bnei Machshava Tova

Sample First Session of this Eight Session Course on the Piaseczner Rebbe's Conscious Community

Starts Mar 31Online

What is this course?

This Part II is accessible both for new students as well as continuing students from Part I. Have you ever emotionally felt a bit distanced, far and not so connected with our Creator? Believing in God does not always mean feeling close to God and engaged in what may be the most important and vibrant relationship the human being can experience. This course will continue exploring Rabbi Kalonymus Kalmish Shapira’s, the Piaseczner Rebbe's, Bnei Machshava Tova, commonly referred to in English by Andrea Cohen-Keiner’s translation as Conscious Community. The course provides necessary modalities to enable us to encounter the Shechinah—the Divine Presence— within us, as we begin to hear the soul’s unique “still small voice. The goal is to sense closeness and experience spiritual intimacy with our Creator in an immanent, visceral and authentic way—the deeper part of our own being. Encountering the Divine through this inner work, both individually and in community, manifests our Godly selves—our higher selves. All texts will be provided in Hebrew and English translation. This course is open to learners of all backgrounds and orientations. HOW DOES IT WORK? The course consists of eight live online sessions, of approximately 1.25 hours per session. Because each entry that we shall explore is an independent module, there is no requirement to have enrolled in Part One. Each class is recorded as well and is sent out to all registrants following each class, so participants can watch and listen to the recordings at their own leisure. Each class includes three essential components: 1) An exploration of selected entries in the Piaseczner’s Bnei Machshava Tova. The source sheet will be sent out each week prior to the class. 2) A guided contemplative practice reflecting on that week’s teachings. You become your own havrutah—learning partner— as you review the entries with your own mind and heart. 3) The concluding 15 minutes is time dedicated to participants sharing their experiences during the sit as well as asking questions that may arise from both the text and the sit. WHEN IS IT? Monday, 31 March at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern / 5pm UK / 7pm Israel and the relevant hours in other time zones, for 75 minutes. This first session is free to try. The cost of the entire course is $240. Please contact R' Daniel if you would like to request subsidized registration.

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